Get eror on json object even though same object from test facitity

trying to update user settings.
Have seeming valid JSON object as verified by JSON formatter.
Use identical JSON object that works through API test facility.
get error 300,“message”:“Request Body should be a valid JSON object.”
Object is here:
“email_notification”: {
“alternative_host_reminder”: 0,
“cancel_meeting_reminder”: 0,
“jbh_reminder”: 0,
“schedule_for_reminder”: 0
“in_meeting”: {
“allow_live_streaming”: 0,
“annotation”: 0,
“attendee_on_old”: 0,
“auto_saving_chat”: 1,
“breakout_room”: 1,
“chat”: 1,
“closed_caption”: 0,
“co_host”: 0,
“custom_data_center_regions”: 0,
“e2e_encryption”: 0,
“entry_exit_chime”: “none”,
“far_end_camera_control”: 0,
“feedback”: 1,
“group_hd”: 0,
“non_verbal_feedback”: 0,
“polling”: 1,
“private_chat”: 0,
“record_play_voice”: 1,
“remote_control”: 0,
“remote_support”: 0,
“show_meeting_control_toolbar”: 1,
“virtual_background”: 0,
“waiting_room”: 1
“recording”: {
“auto_delete_cmr”: 0,
“auto_recording”: “none”,
“cloud_recording”: 1,
“local_recording”: 1,
“record_audio_file”: 1,
“record_gallery_view”: 0,
“record_speaker_view”: 1,
“recording_password_requirement”: {
“have_letter”: 1,
“have_number”: 1,
“have_special_character”: 1,
“length”: 8,
“only_allow_numeric”: 0
“save_chat_text”: 1,
“show_timestamp”: 0
“schedule_meeting”: {
“audio_type”: “both”,
“embed_password_in_join_link”: 1,
“force_pmi_jbh_password”: 1,
“host_video”: 1,
“join_before_host”: 0,
“not_store_meeting_topic”: 0,
“participants_video”: 0,
“personal_meeting”: 1,
“pmi_password”: “zOLE1”,
“pstn_password_protected”: 1,
“require_password_for_instant_meetings”: 1,
“require_password_for_pmi_meetings”: “all”,
“require_password_for_scheduling_new_meetings”: 1,
“use_pmi_for_instant_meetings”: 0,
“use_pmi_for_scheduled_meetings”: 0

Hi @laeggan, in JSON boolean values can only be either true or false. 0 or 1 will be returned as invalid. Hope this helps!

Reference: JSON Schema

Using 0 and 1 worked fine for the create meeting API call.
I changed to true/false and still same error. Here is (JSON checked) new object:

Hey @laeggan,

I just tried with your JSON and it worked:

  "email_notification": {
    "email_notification": false,
    "alternative_host_reminder": false,
    "cancel_meeting_reminder": false,
    "jbh_reminder": false,
    "schedule_for_reminder": false
  "in_meeting": {
    "allow_live_streaming": false,
    "annotation": false,
    "attendee_on_old": false,
    "auto_saving_chat": true,
    "breakout_room": true,
    "chat": true,
    "closed_caption": false,
    "co_host": false,
    "custom_data_center_regions": false,
    "e2e_encryption": false,
    "entry_exit_chime": "none",
    "far_end_camera_control": false,
    "feedback": true,
    "group_hd": false,
    "non_verbal_feedback": false,
    "polling": true,
    "private_chat": false,
    "record_play_voice": true,
    "remote_control": false,
    "remote_support": false,
    "show_meeting_control_toolbar": true,
    "virtual_background": false,
    "waiting_room": true
  "recording": {
    "auto_delete_cmr": false,
    "auto_recording": "none",
    "cloud_recording": true,
    "local_recording": true,
    "record_audio_file": true,
    "record_gallery_view": false,
    "record_speaker_view": true,
    "recording_password_requirement": {
      "have_letter": true,
      "have_number": true,
      "have_special_character": true,
      "length": 8,
      "only_allow_numeric": false
    "save_chat_text": true,
    "show_timestamp": false
  "schedule_meeting": {
    "audio_type": "both",
    "embed_password_in_join_link": true,
    "force_pmi_jbh_password": true,
    "host_video": true,
    "join_before_host": false,
    "not_store_meeting_topic": false,
    "participants_video": false,
    "personal_meeting": true,
    "pmi_password": "zOLEtrue",
    "pstn_password_protected": true,
    "require_password_for_instant_meetings": true,
    "require_password_for_pmi_meetings": "all",
    "require_password_for_scheduling_new_meetings": true,
    "use_pmi_for_instant_meetings": false,
    "use_pmi_for_scheduled_meetings": false

Please try the JSON above and let me know if it works.


I tried what you had and I still get the same error:
{“code”:300,“message”:“Request Body should be a valid JSON object.”}

I am getting the same problem trying to schedule a meeting. The object works fine when I past it into the test facility, but when I use it from code I get this error:
{“code”:300,“message”:“Request Body should be a valid JSON object.”}
I also ran the object through the JSON validate site. Here is the object:
{“settings”:{“host_video”:true,“participant_video”:true,“cn_meeting”:false,“in_meeting”:false,“join_before_host”:true,“mute_upon_entry”:false,“watermark”:false,“use_pmi”:true,“approval_type”:0,“registration_type”:1,“audio”:“voip”,“auto_recording”:“none”,“enforce_login”:false,“close_registration”:false,“waiting_room”:true,“registrants_email_notification”:false,“meeting_authentication”:false},“type”:2,“timezone”:“America/Anchorage”,“agenda”:“OLE Class”,“topic”:“Humor in the Time of Covid”,“start_time”:“2020-05-26T13:00:00”,“duration”:45,“password”:“20201523”}

Never mind. I got it figured. When going from array object via json_decode, use 0 for false, 1 for true. Then do not addcslashes() the object.
Works great.

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Happy to hear you got it working! :slight_smile:
