Get oAuth token without redirecting user to login page

how to get auth token without user login

as i can’t use this api on client side, it gives CORS error

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?
php and js

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
I have an page
I want to show list of webinaars available and date time from them direct from the api.
but i got an error of CORS.
then i found out on your fourms that this api is server side,
so now i am making an script which will get token and shown me the listings and all.

now the issue i am facing with is that, how to hndle login from server side. That’s a bit of complicated process. Please help me with it.

Waiting for your reply on it.

Hey @shawn, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

It sounds like for your use case the best flow would be to use a JWT Token.

  1. Create a JWT App.

  2. Generate a JWT Token.

  3. Call the respective API endpoint and pass in your JWT Token as the Authorization Bearer:

    "Authorization": "Bearer JWT_TOKEN_HERE"

Let me know if that helps!
