Get participants email from a non registration only meeting

Is it possible to get the email from authenticated users that joined a meeting? The meetings are open, so anyone can enter, but I want to retrieve the email of authenticated participants that join the meeting.

I am trying to use the onUserUpdate and onUserJoin with ZoomMtg.inMeetingServiceListener but I don’t get the email from that, just userName, userId, persistentID and participantUUID. I tried using /users/{userId} but I am getting { code: 200, message: “No permission” }.

user:read:admin, user:read and user_info:read are already enabled.

Which Web Meeting SDK version?

Basically, what I need is a way to allow authenticated users AND non-authenticated users to join my meeting. Considering that, I guess I can’t use the approval_type = 0, since it won’t allow non-authenticated users.

From authenticated users (with Zoom) I want to retrieve their e-mails. So far, everything I tried returned “user_email”: “”, even for authenticated participants.

How participants join my meeting using Zoom Meeting SDK:

const zoomJoinParams = {
  sdkKey: CLIENT_ID,
  meetingNumber: roomCode,
  userName: username.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(),
  passWord: roomPassword,
  ...(user && { 

Can I get some help here?

Hi @lcsandrade
Thanks for reaching out to us
If users are authenticated you should be able to retrieve their emails
you can do this using our APIs

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