Get Zoom Meeting Schedule Time

Get Meeting API


We are running into an issue where we need the scheduled time for a meeting that we fetch with this api. Currently, I don’t see a way to retrieve the original scheduled time for a meeting. Only the start time. These aren’t always the same thing. For example, if a meeting was scheduled for 2pm but someone joined early and it started at 1:50 pm, we want to retrieve the 2pm time.

Is there a way to feasibly achieve this with the current possible payloads? Or would this be a possible new feature we can request?

Thanks and let me know if I can clear this up.

Hi @kbenipal
Thanks for reaching out to us
When using the endpoint Get/meeting, the start_time is the scheduled time for a meeting type 2 which is a scheduled meeting and even if you start the meeting, and call that endpoint again, the start_time should not change.

You will only see a different time if you call any of our report or dashboard endpoint or even the Get/past_meetings endpoint

Thanks, this was helpful!

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