getAttendeeslist API not working as expected

The api docs for ZoomMtg.getAttendeeslist() seems to be incomplete. When I follow the example and call ZoomMtg.getAttendeeslist({}) in a meeting with 3 attendees, the return value is undefined. I suspect I need to specify some params but the documentation has no info for it.

Also, this should following common naming conventions and be named getAttendeesList with a capital L.

Which Endpoint/s or Web JS SDK?
Web sdk version 1.5.1

Hi @edward,

Would you be able to provide the meeting ID so that we can investigate this issue further?


Sure, its ***********- there’s probably a few dozen instances for this meeting ID.

I still believe think the API documentation is lacking for using this function in the sense of how to use it and what to expect from it.

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

Hi @edward,

Try using the below code snippet. When you run it you should see an object with method getAttendeeList. Within the object look at the result.attendeeList property.

        success: function (res) {
                    console.log(res, "get getAttendeeslist");

Let us know if this helps.



Yes this works!

This needs to be publicly documented for developers.

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Hi @edward,

Thats great to hear! We’re in the process of revamping our all of our SDK documentation. We should have these updated soon.


+1 for more documentation on this, particularly: what does the result look like. Does it include things like whether the attendee has their hand raised and also any nonverbal communication by the attendee.

Hi @skwirrel,

This only returns the list of attendees names. Right now we do not have a way to detect if a user raised their hand or any other nonverbal communications. We’ll ask our Engineers to include this in our APIs in a later release.


@michael_p.zoom the snippet provided works. Thanks for that. But can you also update the documentation? The docs seems to be very outdated and contain spelling errors.

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Hey @ilya1,

Happy to hear the code worked for you! :slight_smile:

Yes, we are working on improving the Web SDK reference.


This is still not updated in the documentation, FYI! It’s really difficult to actually develop with the SDK when the support (documentation) is not maintained!

Hey @alexmayo,

We will get this updated. CC @michael.zoom @shrijana.g.


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The API docs are still not updated, more than 2 years on. This seems to be the case for many of the web meeting SDK functions.

Hey @t.barry-woods,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum and for highlighting this. I’ll bring this up during our next team meeting to get this updated ASAP.


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