Getting incomplete response using GET /users/{userId}/webinars API

Hi team, I am trying to get webinars using GET

# /users/{userId}/webinars method and am able to get the response too in the result. But when i looked in to the result for few fields like Agenda is having more content but i am getting only 250 chars length data. I set up content-length header to max but no use.

is there any limitation from your end to this field to return only limited chars?

Please help me to get full length data so that it will be helpful to show the data in my site.

getting incomplete data for large set of fields like Agenda and Description fields.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?
GET /users/{userId}/webinars API

How To Reproduce (If applicable)

Screenshots (If applicable)

“topic”:“Best Practices for Quality Assurance in Automotive SPICE”,“type”:5,“start_time”:“2021-07-22T15:00:00Z”,“duration”:60,“timezone”:“America/New_York”,
agenda”:"Quality Assurance in Automotive SPICE or SUP1 may appear to be a throwback to the old days of assessing standards in Quality. In fact,
reading the Automotive SPICE standard and understanding the language is the first challenge for those trying to lea",“created_at”:“2021-06-28T14:43:44Z”,

in attached sample report you can see that highlighted agenda filed is having incomplete data in the result.

Please help me to get full length data and let me know if you need any info.


Hi @webinars5 ,

Thank you for inquiring about this. I’m working on confirming an answer for you and will follow up accordingly. (ZOOM-289295)


Thanks for looking into it GIanni!! I will wait for your response.

Hi @webinars5 ,

Our engineering team has clarified that this is by design. For efficiency purposes, character count for this field get truncated to 250 characters if and when the input is higher than that. If you would like to see the full agenda details, retrieve the details for a single webinar.

Thank you,

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