Webinar Description is not being set via the API

Hi, webinar description is not being sent when retrieving a webinar via the API.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / WebHook)?
JWT / WebHook

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Just retrieve any webinar via the API.

Hey @n.fragkos, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

The Webinar Description is the "agenda" property when using the API.


Hi tommy thanks for your reply. You are right with the API the agenda (description) is returned when retrieving a webinar. However it doesn’t return the agenda with the webhook method. I guess I have to retrieve the webinar via the API call.

Hey @n.fragkos,

What I would suggest is using both the Webhook and the Get Webinar endpoint.

Once you receive the respective Webinar Webhook, then call the Get Webinar endpoint to get the additional webinar info.
