Getting Invalid Param error when using React Native Zoom Video SDK

Unable to initiate Video Call Session with @zoom/react-native-videosdk
I tried both with 1.11.0 and 1.10.10 versions
I’m getting the following error-

The params I’m passing to joinSession method are-

sessionPassword: config.sessionPassword,
token: token,
userName: config.displayName,
audioOptions: {
connect: true,
mute: true,
autoAdjustSpeakerVolume: false,

How To Reproduce:
Steps to reproduce the behavior including:*
1.Integrate Zoom Video SDK for React Native
2. Add SDK keys and follow the procedure as mentioned in the example - github - /zoom/videosdk-auth-endpoint-sample
3. Trigger call
4. You will notice that the call isn’t getting started, and listening to onError Event will give the following error - {“errorType”: “ZoomVideoSDKError_Session_Invalid_Param”}

@testcloud2 do you have a sample of the token?