Getting Oops! We were unable to complete your request. Please try again. (4,700)

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Using Oauth to authenticate a connection to my app.

I’m using self hosted Nango auth to connect to Zoom. This fails with “Oops! We were unable to complete your request. Please try again. (4,700)” with callback URL of https : / / nango . stage-api . hiphops . io /oauth/callback, but succeeds on Nango’s hosted version at https : / / api . nango . dev /oauth/callback (when callback configured appropriately).

Oops! We were unable to complete your request. Please try again. (4,700)

This shows up in the login popup.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
*1. Setup self hosted nango instance
*2. Create Zoom app. Example app is: xMmdbt0rS6ulQ-IIixkzcA
*3. Add zoom integration
*4. Try to create a new connection.

I have done some more testing, and running nango locally also works. There is something with how the self-hosted server presents itself which is causing problems.

The solution was that the scopes selected in the request caused this error, even though the scopes were the same as those enabled in the app in the marketplace.

When testing I stupidly didn’t notice the difference.

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