Getting Started With API - Powershell

Hello there, I’m pretty new to API’s in general and the Zoom API in specific. I wanted to get any friendly advice before I get any further in case my understanding is going in the wrong direction.

I’m want to first thing get a simple powershell script working to call to Zooms API and get a specific user IE.{userId}

I’ve started to look into JSON Tokens etc. and I wanted to see if anyone already had a simple example for this process, that I could use as a reference etc.


Get the JSON/JWT & store in variable for use in API Function Below.

Call the{userId} API function to GET userID info

Return and Display Said “userID” to output to confirm reciept of information

If you can recommend any additional resources I’d appreciate it as well. I’m an Intern doing this as part of a test project.

Hi Tim,

It seems like you are on the correct path.
Are you getting any errors?

If you are testing our API’s I would also recommend reading Using Postman to Test Zoom API’s