Hide or disable "Record" button and hide or disable "Chat" button in C# wrapper in standard UI

I want to hide, disable or redirect event of Record and Chat buttons programatically or before meeting starts. I`m NOT using custom UI.
Can I?
With End Meeting button i already did that using “RedirectClickEndMeetingBTNEvent(true)”

Windows, C# wrapper

Hey @fpujol,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

You can try out HideChatItemOnMeetingUI and HideRecordItemOnMeetingUI within IMeetingUIElemConfiguration.


Thanks for the reply. Due to the urgency i already implements the HideChatItemOnMeetingUI and HideRecordItemOnMeetingUI methods

However these methods only hide the lower controls (the button and the menu)
but they leave active the upper left banner that allows to start, pause and stop the recording. Is there a way to disable that control as well?

Hey @fpujol,

Unfortunately, there is currently no interface to hide those ones.
