How can I convert 'packageLoss' value to the percentage?


What is a value that method ‘getPackageLoss’ return? Because it’s not equal to the percentage that Zoom Application displays.
How can I convert this value to the percentage?

let statistics = ZoomSDK.shared()?.getSettingService()?.getStatisticsSetting()

let video = statistics?.getVideoASStatisticsInfo(true)
let videoPackageLoss = video?.getPackageLoss(false, max: true)

let share = statistics?.getVideoASStatisticsInfo(false)
let sharePackageLoss = share?.getPackageLoss(false, max: true)


Hi @anton.yereshchenko,

I think we will need to submit a feature request for this, but I’ll let you know for sure after we perform an investigation.


@jon.zoom Hi,
ok, thank you it would be super!

Hi @anton.yereshchenko,

It seems that a feature request will be necessary for this based on our investigation. I will let you know as soon as we have any updates on the feature request.


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