How can i join meeting by using jssdk with a user that created by custCreate?

In fact, I have two question about the jssdk.

  1. I created an app from market which has only client id and client secret, but not apikey and apisecret. How can i fill in the params of ZoomMtg.generateSignature?
  2. I created a user by custCreate action by rest api, which has no username and password. How can I join meeting by using ZoomMtg.join ?


Hi @york.chan,

To get the API Key Secret you will need to create a JWT API Credentials app. You should be able to join the meeting without having to use a username and password. Within the sample web app the username is the display name that you type in.


Hi @michael_p.zoom

Alright, you mean username is a diaplay name only. So how zoom identify the user? Do you mean everyone got the signature can also join the meeting? So what is the point to create user??


Hi @york.chan,

When developing using the JS SDK are you using the sample-web-app as is to generate the signature?

What I meant by username is that the display name is used as the username within the meeting.config.

To generate the signature you would use your API Key and Secret. No one else should have our signature because its based on API key secret.


Hi @michael_p.zoom

Thanks for your reply. The ZoomMtg.generateSignature is solved, but what about join the meeting?

The signature have to pass to client side so to open the video, right?


anybody help :cold_sweat:

Here is the signature generation guide:
