How is the progress ? Start a meeting on behalf of a user - Web SDK with OAuth

I’d like to know the progress of this. I want to use the Web SDK with OAuth App. I am the SDK owner, but Zoom meeting/webinar is belongs to my users who have Zoom account. They will authenticate by OAuth, and get the Access Token , Zak token. I want allow other users to start the zoom meeting with the Zak token on the web sdk.

Welcome, @actioport !

Thank you for posting in the Zoom Developer Forum – I am happy to help. As a start, you are on the right path. In order to start meeting on a user’s behalf with the Meeting SDK. you would:

  1. Authenticate by OAuth
  2. After a user completes the OAuth2 authorization flow , you use their Access Token to make requests against Zoom Rest APIs
  3. Make a request to get ZAK token, which can then be passed into the Meeting SDKs to start the user’s meeting or webinar*

Here is our help documentation on using OAuth with the Meeting SDK:

User OAuth with the Meeting SDK

Let us know if this helps or if you have further questions.

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