How many participants can Meeting SDK support?

My customer Zoom account is supposed to support 1000 particpants.
When we run the Zoom Meeting SDK API, it only accepts 100.

Please advise how customer can use the Zoom Meeting SDK APi to support more than 100 participants.


Reference -

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@support_webinar @chunsiong.zoom @gianni.zoom

Please help ASAP. I appreciate your support in advance.

Please advise to support Zoom Developers here.

@chunsiong.zoom @gianni.zoom
To clarify further - Customer has Zoom Webinar that can support 500 attendees. But the Meeting SDK only allowed 100 attendees access instead. What seems to be the issue here?

Please advise ASAP.

Thanks for your support in advance.

Hi @mfok MSDK should support up to 1,000 attendees – is their Webinar license associated with their MSDK correctly?

It follows the licensing model and it sounds like that’s where the issue may lie.

Thank you for your response. @gianni.zoom

Can you clarify what you mean for the licensing model?
is their Webinar license associated with their MSDK correctly? How do we check?
The webinar license is from the customer. Our MSDK is in our own SaaS app.

Hi @mfok , this is explained via the link shared in my last post. Please click and follow up with sales/accounts team to check configuration to ensure you can host a webinar of the size you seek :slight_smile: