How to create Zoom Room meetings with a public app?

Thank you Max! I do have a question. You said that we can use the Create a Meeting API with the Zoom Room user as the host.

We’re doing that, and it works to create the meeting. But when someone joins the meeting, it often gives an error code 29: What does Error code: 29 mean? - #12 by asoto98

In that thread, we were advised that we could not use the OAuth API to create Zoom Room meetings, and we got the error 29 because we were using the wrong API. Has that changed? Because we are still getting error 29 when trying to join the meetings created this way.

So unfortunately after all this advice, we are back to the original method of creating Zoom Room meetings via the OAuth API, but with the original problem still intact (error code 29 upon join).

Thank you, and please let me know if I can provide any more information!