How to get list of users with there user type, extension and packages

I am developing a JWT app and I would like to get a list of users, with their name, email, extentsion and user type (including the selected value from the dropdown at Admin Users (click edit on user) and package. In my case I have the option of “Meeting Basic” and “Meeting Basic and Zoom Phone Basic”. For the sake of clarity, I would like to know what the formal Zoom name is for the field represented in this dropdown.

I have used the following endpoints:
List Users: Only returns name, email and type
List Phone Numbers: Only returns name, extension and DID number for DID numbers
Get Plan Information: I tried using /v2/accounts/me/plans but I get an error 124: Invalid access token

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Hi @simonshaw,

I believe you should be able to retrieve these values via the feature object returned by our GET User Settings API (for a user with one of these licenses):

Let me know if this helps,

Hi Will,
Where can I find the Pro Features e.g. “US/CA Metered Calling Plan”, this does not seem to be in the feature object.

Found it. I needed the Get User’s Profile endpoint.

Glad you were able to find this info! :slight_smile:

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