How to get rid of

by mistake the was configured to my business zoom.
each time i am joining a meeting the is also joining and i need to stop it in the meeting.
i entered my account and removed all join of connected also from zoom
i also removed from zoom through manage apps
but still exist and join the meeting.
i am using outlook 365 support do not give me any real solution.
is any one familiar and know how to get rid of from my calendar/zoom?


We are experiencing the same issue after revoking the Read.AI access tokens and restricting Read.AI in our Zoom App Marketplace. Unfortunately, I do not have a solution to offer, but am going to continue to chase this down. Moti, how did you authenticate to Read.AI, did you use Google?

Having the same problem. I don’t recall ever giving permission to join my Zoom meetings either.

To ensure I understand, did you install this app from our marketplace and then uninstall it or did you follow another process to install it?

I’m having the same problem. I think I added the Zoom connection through the website. It showed up as an integration on my Zoom website. I removed it from both, and now it is still inserting itself in meetings.

PLeaseeeeee, I have done everything instructed to get rid of it but I cant!

@laratsuji @mg21082 @clarklandry thank you all for your post. With, it will to be disabled via OP, a request that we’ll make on your behalf. I am going to speak with my team to see what info is needed from you all for that request to be made, and will reach back out with more information.


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Hi @laratsuji
Can you please confirm if you have removed the app from your Zoom Marketplace dashboard?

You can do that by going to your Marketplace dashboard and click on Manage. Then on the left hand side menu under the Admin App Management, click on Apps on account. Once there, you should be able to find all added apps in your account; Find the app and click on Manage app to remove it from your account.

Please try that again and be on the lookout for a DM from me in your inbox where I will request more information about your account



Could you please help me disable the Read AI Tool for my account?

It was integrated into my account after a Zoom meeting with my client, and unfortunately, I haven’t managed to disable it on my own despite any actions.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @elena.saburova
Sure thing, I will go ahead and send you a private message. Please reply in that thread with the information that I will request.

To update this thread, if you have not added the app to your account but are joining meetings of a user who has the app installed on their account, there is no way to prevent the bot from joining the meeting.

Hi Elisa,

I understand that I cannot prevent the bot from joining that particular meeting, but why does that bot join my other meetings, even in Zoom, after that? :slight_smile:

Nope… it’s still there. It doesn’t matter what I do; it keeps entering my meetings, and this is a breach of privacy. I have deleted all authorizations and made it clear that is not allowed to use my Zoom account, and I am not sure how it is getting back or what the breach inside Zoom is that allows an app to log in even if in the marketplace and all app places I have deactivated it.


I entered now again to check and the was there, despite of having deleted before…
I will check if keeps entering and I will come here to confirm.

thanks @laratsuji
Can you please reply to the DM I sent you?