How to get the approval type of past meeting

I would like to retrieve the approval type of a past meeting, I use{meetingId} but it says returns:
“code”: 3001,
“message”: “Meeting does not exist: XXXXXXX.”

when i use{meetingUUID} , it returns data, but it does not contains the meeting settings,

please advise

Hey ,

The Get Meeting endpoint is only for upcoming meetings.

What is your use case for needing to get the approval type of a past meeting?


my case is : using the API to automate the generation of some reports of only those meeting/webinar with the registration option enabled and send to some parties.

therefore, i use the [{meetingId}] to check whether the approval type is 0 or 1


Gotcha, since we don’t have an API that returns past meeting settings, please submit this as a feature request here: #feature-requests

As a workaround you could save the response for the Create Meeting API or Meeting Created Webhook and run a report on the saved response settings.
