How to identify that Meetings/Webinar had registration required enabled on List Meeting/Webinar API?

We have a batch class in salesforce and that creates meeting/webinar in salesforce if does not exists based zoom meeting/webinar Id.

But we only need to create the webinar/meeting records. when any meeting/webinar returns from the List Meeting/webinar API have registration required enabled

I also know that we need to Call Meeting/Webinar API to get meeting/webinar information for specific meeting/webinar based on their Id based on “approval_type”.

But in salesforce in the batch class for API callout there are limitation we cannot do that much API callout to get "Registration required (approval_type) was enabled for every meeting/webinar or not.

It would be better if the List Meeting/Webinar API provides one more field approval_type so we do not need to hit the API again to only get the approval_type value.

If there is any way to get approval_type value in LIST meeting/webinar API please let me know.

Hi @deepak4,

Thanks for reaching out about this, and great suggestion. While you’re correct in that this field is not currently exposed in our List endpoints, you raise a great use case.

I’ve gone ahead and raised this as a feature request with our Engineering team, and I’ll be happy to let you know if this is something we can include in the future. (ZOOM-238209)


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