How to send chat messages to and from zoom

Our requirement is creating a mediator app to get the messages from the zoom and send the messages to zoom

We created a server-to-server app in the zoom and added webhook url in the app to get the chat messages from the zoom and send the chat messages to zoom, here we are using grant_type: ‘account_credentials’ and get the token and then pass the token generated from the client_credentials grant_type to Send a chat message API(POST /chat/users/{userId}/messages) to send the messages to user but here in server-to-server app Chat Message event is not there to subscribe the Chat message event in the event subscription , then which event captures chat messages from zoom workplace to trigger the webhook ?

Hi Team,

Please point me in the right direction, whether i am doing something wrong or some other method is there to achieve this flow

My requirement is , I am trying to achieve connector between zoom and my contact center and I am building a mediator app which will be listening to the webhook of zoom business account and also my contact center, so whenever customer sends a message i want to listen to the webhook of zoom business account and send it to the my contact center and if my contact center sends a message i want to send it back to the customer, i tested with account credentials grant type authorization and i am not getting the external user messages in the webhook So how exactly we can achieve this for internal user and external user.

If we want to listen to external user messages in the webhook what exactly need to be done ?

Hi @team,

Please reply to the above question.

Hi @team,

Please reply to the above question.

Hi @team

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Hi @team,

Please reply to the above question.

Hi @team,

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