How to setup a waiting room using Video SDK?

I aim to ensure that every participant who is not a host gets approved by the host before joining the video session. I couldn’t find information in the documentation on setting up a waiting room. Below are the steps I used to create the video session.


Create JWT token on the API side

    const iat = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000) - 30
    const exp = iat + 60 * 60 * 2
    const oHeader = { alg: 'HS256', typ: 'JWT' }

    let identity = 'Participant'

    if (this.isModerator(context)) {
      role = ZOOM_ROLE.HOST

if (context.userID) {
      identity = `${context.firstName} ${context.lastName}`;

    const oPayload = {
      app_key: this.zoomSDKKey,
      tpc: roomID,
      role_type: role,
      user_identity: identity,
      version: 1,
      iat: iat,
      exp: exp
    this.logger.log(`Zoom Token Content ${redact(oPayload)}`);

    const jwt = jsonwebtoken.sign(oPayload, this.zoomSDKSecret, {
      algorithm: 'HS256',
      header: oHeader,

Join the session on the client side

    this.client = ZoomVideoSDK.createClient()
    this.client.init('en-US', 'CDN');

    const config = {
      videoSDKJWT: videoSession.token,
      sessionName: videoSession.roomID,
      userName: videoSession.userID,
      features: ['video', 'audio', 'share', 'users', 'settings']

    const sessionContainer: HTMLElement | null = document.querySelector(htmlElementID)
    console.log('[video-session] config', config, sessionContainer)
    if (sessionContainer) {
      console.log('uitoolkit start')
      uitoolkit.joinSession(sessionContainer, config)

No mentions of a waiting room setting:

I am starting to think that this feature does not exist :frowning:

Hey @hamilton

Thanks for your feedback.

The Video SDK does not currently have a straightforward waiting room feature, but this capability can be achieved using subsessions.

Here is a brief guideline article on how to do it…


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