I dont have authorize url and authorize url token when tried access token

When i tried to get access token, we need to add authorize url and authorize url token but i dont have authorize url.
when i redirect to other website, i cannot get access token to make request.
where can i get authorize url?

Hi @cicendo.cts1, follow steps 1 & 2 of our OAuth Docs to direct a user to: https://zoom.us/oauth/authorize, then handle a successful authorization at your Redirect URL. The redirect URL will contain the authorization code you need to then request an access token.

excuse me, i dont understand with “your redirect url”.
what kind of redirect url?
i dont have my redirect url.
can you explain that? i dont get the point about redirect url.
thank you

Hey @cicendo.cts1,

You can find the authorize url in your apps settings on the “Local Test” or “Submit” page.

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Oh ok thank you.
Actually i have 1 more question.
I tried to get access token but i cannot get access token.
How can i get access token to try?
Thank you.


i tried for several time but i’m not found access token.

Hey @cicendo.cts1,

You must either past in your Client ID and Client Secret and click the “Get Access Token” button, or generate one following these steps:
