OAuth request url not routing to authorize page, thus can't get oauth_access_token

I am trying to get oauth_access_token for my app. I am following https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/auth/oauth.

And I generated the URL like this using : https://zoom.us/oauth/authorize?state=3CMQQpHrpO4NAU-PFXQGNAxLv_UMbAC3GyQ-b7AMQKU&response_type=code&code_challenge=YL1aznNvzWk6L89YJMO_kLdKwdm4pP5HWw0QXTCaUqA&redirect_uri=https://zoom.us&client_id=I8vhASn_TFGH2JXMSrwAVA&nonce=Dn4hKeqOSDbj8Jv5Oi2Wy2bRzVs1pH6JDN6KxLJbLOg

However, this is no authorization page, I saw it the first time and entered username and password. Later on, I enter the link again and I only see zoom website.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

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Hey @emmalikeslatte!

Could you test this using either the Zoom API Docs, or Postman first (to isolate if it is an issue with our Auth system, or your code) please? Thanks in advance.