I want all user who connecting on my meetings be mute microphone


I want what would all user who connecting on my meetings, will be automatically with mute their microphone ?
i chating with “zoom support” and they wrote i can’t do this in my zoom account.
I use API zoom
zoom API can help my in this question? How?

When you create a meeting https://zoom.github.io/api/#create-a-meeting

settings.mute_upon_entry = true

Create meeting with params:

api_key: ******
api_secret: ******
duration: 15
host_id: ******
settings.mute_upon_entry: 1
settings.participant_video: 0
start_time: 2017-12-31T13:00:00+02:00
timezone: GMT+0.00
topic: ******
type: 2


Response Information:

{…, “status”:0,“option_jbh”:false,“option_start_type”:“video”,“option_host_video”:true,“option_participants_video”:true,“option_cn_meeting”:false,“option_enforce_login”:false,“option_enforce_login_domains”:"",“option_in_meeting”:false,“option_audio”:“both”,“option_alternative_hosts”:"",“option_use_pmi”:false,“type”:2, …}


What is wrong?

You can use the ZoomMtg.mute() or ZoomMtg.muteAll() function to mute participants with the Web SDK:

