I want to add a custom button in the meeting option toolbar in my zoom app in ios. I see there are provisions to hide or show the toolbar or even specific buttons. But is there any way to add a custom button in the toolbar under more in IOS?

Hey @zacob,

My storyboard is a little complicated because it has lots of buttons and other views, but I basically have 2 UIViews that have a hardcoded size. One view is for rendering the local user’s view, and one is for rendering the remote user’s view.

    static func localUserVideoView(_ videoAspect: MobileRTCVideoAspect, frame: CGRect) -> MobileRTCVideoView? {
        guard let meetingService = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService() else { return nil }

        let localUserID = meetingService.activeUserID()
        let localUserVideoView = MobileRTCVideoView(frame: frame)
        let showAttendeeVideoSuccessful = localUserVideoView.showAttendeeVideo(withUserID: localUserID)

        if showAttendeeVideoSuccessful {
            print("Started showing local user video.")
        } else {
            print("Failed to show local user video.")

        return localUserVideoView

    static func remoteUserVideoView(userID: UInt, videoAspect: MobileRTCVideoAspect, frame: CGRect) -> MobileRTCVideoView? {
        let remoteUserVideoView = MobileRTCVideoView(frame: frame)
        let showAttendeeVideoSuccessful = remoteUserVideoView.showAttendeeVideo(withUserID: userID)

        if showAttendeeVideoSuccessful {
            print("Started showing remote user video.")
        } else {
            print("Failed to show remote user video.")

        return remoteUserVideoView

Once I run those functions I just add the returned view as a subview to the UIViews in the storyboard.
