Identifying meeting participant device info using the API

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

  • /docs/api/rest/reference/zoom-api/methods/#operation/reportMeetingParticipants
  • /docs/api/rest/reference/zoom-api/methods/#operation/pastMeetingParticipants

It looks like the old List Meeting Participants Dashboard API included a field with the user’s device type. Where can I find this in the new API? Apologies if I missed something obvious. (devforum link to related post: /t/how-can-we-know-if-participant-joined-from-laptop-or-app/61951/17)

In general, I’m not seeing any way to identify device summary information (platform_os, vendor, and/or model) associated with a specific user or meeting participant. My use case is identifying if a participant was on desktop vs mobile/tablet in past meetings, within a server-to-server OAuth app.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I see that this field still exists at this endpoint: /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants. I will try that.

Hi @zwlevonian , yes this is correct!

The QOS endpoints also show device info: Zoom Account API