Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [meeting:write, meeting:write:admin] with account level app

I am getting this error when trying to create a meeting after getting a new OAuth token. I’ve seen questions that mention using an “account level” app vs a “user level” app, but I am already doing that.

The error:
Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [meeting:write, meeting:write:admin]

This is what it says under “type”: “Server-to-Server OAuth, Intend to publish: No, Account Level”

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@jared.millman Hope you will be fine.

Please add meetnig:write scope from scope sections into your STS. Thanks

Hi, I don’t have any options for meeting.

I have:
Zoom IQ
Zoom Events

I have also tried with all scopes possible.

These are the scopes that were returned:
zoom_events_basic:read:admin zoom_events_tickets:read:admin zoom_events_tickets:write:admin zoom_events_sessions:read:admin h323:master iq_comment:read:admin iq_comment:write:admin iq_analytics_metrics:read:admin zoom_events_ticket_types:write:admin zoom_events_hubs:read:admin zoom_events_basic:write:admin zoom_events_sessions:write:admin zoom_events_registrants:read:admin iq_account:read:admin zoom_events_ticket_types:read:admin iq_coaching:read:admin iq_conversation:write:admin

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It looks like you have scopes selected for Zoom Events. Instead, you want to select the meeting:write, meeting:write:admin scope. Here is a screenshot of what that looks like :

Let us know if you have any questions about this.

OAuth Scopes Resource :

I don’t see those options.

@jared.millman Which App type app you have created please share screenshot.

Server-to-Server Account Level.

@jared.millman If that is a testing app then please delete & recreate a new one. Thanks

I still don’t see those options.


Is your account associated with the master account?

I don’t know what that means. Can you please explain the significance of a master account? I haven’t seen that mentioned.

@jared.millman Are you owner of the account where you are trying to create STS?

I am not familiar with these terms. This is a test account that I am trying to implement before we touch our production environment.

@jared.millman ,

It looks like your user profile does not have the appropriate permission. You will need to either assign the appropriate permissions or contact your admin. Here is the support documentation on this topic:


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