Meeting SDK Type and Version
Meeting SDK Windows C++
After upgrading to the latest SDK version I am constantly getting SDK ERROR 3 - INVALID PARAMS when I attempt to Join the meeting via the meeting service.
Meeting Number and SDK JWT are correct as auth is success and we’re able to join the zoom meeting on that number manually with other devices and the correct passcode.
Troubleshooting Routes
I’ve attempted to hardcode the values into the params themselves to ensure they were not defined further up in scope.
Code Snippet
void join_meeting()
//try to create the meeting service object, this object will be used to join the meeting
if ((err = CreateMeetingService(&meeting_service)) != SDKERR_SUCCESS) show_error_and_exit(err);
std::cout << "MeetingService created." << '\n';
// try to create the meeting configuration object, this object will be used to configure the meeting
// joinMeetingWithoutLogin Parameters will join a meeting as a guest user, who typically don't sign in / login.
JoinParam join_meeting_param;
JoinParam4WithoutLogin join_meeting_without_login_param;
join_meeting_param.userType = SDK_UT_WITHOUT_LOGIN;
join_meeting_without_login_param.meetingNumber = meeting_number;
join_meeting_without_login_param.psw = passcode.c_str();
join_meeting_without_login_param.userName = L"Ava";
join_meeting_without_login_param.isMyVoiceInMix = true;
join_meeting_param.param.withoutloginuserJoin = join_meeting_without_login_param;
// Set event listener
meeting_service->SetEvent(new MeetingServiceEventListener(&on_meeting_joined, &on_meeting_ends_quit_app, &on_in_meeting));
meeting_service->GetMeetingChatController()->SetEvent(new MeetingChatEventListener(&start_send_raw_audio));
IMeetingReminderController* meeting_reminder_controller = meeting_service->GetMeetingReminderController();
meeting_reminder_event_listener = new MeetingReminderEventListener();
// Log all the params to console to show that they are set correctly
std::wcout << "Meeting Number: " << join_meeting_without_login_param.meetingNumber << '\n';
std::wcout << "Passcode: " << join_meeting_without_login_param.psw << '\n';
std::wcout << "User Name: " << join_meeting_without_login_param.userName << '\n';
std::wcout << "Is My Voice In Mix: " << join_meeting_without_login_param.isMyVoiceInMix << '\n';
//join meeting
if ((err = meeting_service->Join(join_meeting_param)) != SDKERR_SUCCESS) show_error_and_exit(err);
else std::cout << "Join call started, joining in progress." << '\n';
StartParam4WithoutLogin start_meeting_without_login_param;
start_meeting_without_login_param.meetingNumber = meeting_number;
start_meeting_without_login_param.userName = L"Ava";