INVALID_PARAMETERS: You must pass a <video> element to start video capture for Chromium browser

I receive the following error when I try to render a self video in Chrome (96.0.4664.110): “You must pass a <video> element to start video capture for Chromium browser, Android browser, and Chrome without SharedArrayBuffer support.”

Steps to reproduce:

  1. git clone GitHub - zoom/sample-app-videosdk: zoom videosdk web demo --branch master --depth 1;
  2. cd sample-app-videosdk/purejs-demo;
  3. npm install;
  4. Edit config.js;
  5. npm run start;
  6. Try to turn on camera after preview window.

Actual result:

Expected result:
A self video is processed.


Hey @pavloshchur

Thanks for your feedback.

We will update the purejs-demo, add the CORP related headers to the webpack devServer.


Hi @vic.yang,

Thanks for the quick reply.

Will the purejs-demo be updated in 1.1.8 version?
Meanwhile, could you provide us with a quick solution?

Hey @vic.yang,

Are there any updates when purejs-demo will be updated?

Hi @vic.yang,

I have investigated react-demo and noticed that without Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy and Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy headers camera video started in Chrome could not be rendered in Firefox. I have just removed headers in and config-overrides.js files.

I see the following error when turning on camera in Chrome.

No errors in Firefox.

Could you tell me if it is a bug or I have done some mistake?

Hey @pavloshchur

This is a known issue and we will fix it in the next release.
Turning off and turning on the camera may resolve the issue, it’s a temporary workaround until the new version is released.

Thanks for your feedback.


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