Invalid Signature when setting up Sample apps (react) provided by Zoom

I have searched through relevant topics, but i am unable to resolve.

I gave cloned both the react sample app and the meeting endpoint one.
have used general app type since the meeting sdk app type is not available anymore.

I am using the development credentials (client ID, Client Secret) in place of SDK Key and SDK secret.

I have also enabled meeting sdk on the general app type. its toggled on.

I havent made any changes to the code provided other than replacing client ID, Client Secret in env files. and replacing sdk key in react app with client ID.

I have scheduled a meeting and am using the meetings details filled in the react app.

The app works, signature is also generated. but when i press join meeting button. it gives error:

Joining Meeting Timeout or Browser restriction
Signature is invalid.

console log shows:

errorCode: 3712
errorMessage: “Signature is invalid.”
method: “join”
result: “Invalid signature.”
status: false

signature generated: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBLZXkiOiI2MUg4bmRkUVhxbEtpTkhMZFdDdXciLCJzZGtLZXkiOiI2MUg4bmRkUVhxbEtpTkhMZFdDdXciLCJtbiI6IjEyMzQ1Njc4OSIsInJvbGUiOjAsImlhdCI6MTcyNTg4OTkzNiwiZXhwIjoxNzI1ODk3MTM2LCJ0b2tlbkV4cCI6MTcyNTg5NzEzNn0.Hgxd9XJhueoT2mENljL-Kt39g_x7obgXpcMLvhyMB84

most of the issues listed direct towards app type being wrong for the mentioned error. but im using the suggestions mentioned in them. still getting same error.

please guide me.

@ibrahimnisaljunaid are you using the correct meeting number in this token?

Hi, i noticed that a while after posting.
I have corrected that part, but it was still giving invalid signature error.

so i manually made a post request to auth endpoint and generated a signature for the correct meeting ID using postman, and hardcoded the signature to be used in the function within sample app.

the app is working with that. but when i used the sample apps getsignature function to retrieve the signature from post request, the retrieved signature is considered invalid. but if i copy that generated signature from function and use that same signature hardcoded into app, after recompiling the app, it works.

it seems signature is correct now. but its not considered valid unless i recompile the app and use it.

Please guide me
