Zoom Web SDK v2.7.0 "Signature is Invalid" error code 3712

I created the sample Zoom Web SDK react app [https://github.com/zoom/meetingsdk-react-sample] and used the node signature example to create the signature.
Since the Web SDK version i’m using is 2.7 I used the web SDK key and secret to generate the signature to join the meeting, but I keep getting error code 3712, “signature is invalid”.


  1. {method: “join”, status: false, result: “Invalid signature.”, errorMessage: undefined, errorCode: 3712}
  2. errorCode: 3712
  3. errorMessage: undefined
  4. method: “join”
  5. result: “Invalid signature.”

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
*1. clone and run meetingsdk-react-sample
*2. clone and run meetingsdk-sample-signature-node.js
*3. Try to join meeting.

I’m using my personal room id number as the meeting the number to join the meeting as a host.
The signature that’s generated is: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzZGtLZXkiOiJOR0dHTXlmZmJnZDJaRThTaTAwRkxtN250RlhOUXVleXdYdkIiLCJtbiI6IjQ1ODAzNTA4MDgiLCJyb2xlIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE2NjI5ODgzOTEsImV4cCI6MTY2Mjk5NTU5MSwiYXBwS2V5IjoiTkdHR015ZmZiZ2QyWkU4U2kwMEZMbTdudEZYTlF1ZXl3WHZCIiwidG9rZW5FeHAiOjE2NjI5OTU1OTF9.GYfsMzRt65E4QTIoe3awh-3_r1q3UPFaulq4p3_kuRE

Hi @bgbharat787 ,

I want to confirm that you are using SDK app type credentials in the node.js sample signature app and not JWT app type credentials.

How are you joining the meeting?

Component view join instructions: Meetings
Client view join instructions: Meetings

have you updated your parameter in ZoomMtg.join ?

for JWT Signature :

          signature: signature,
          apiKey: ... ,

for SDK JWT Signature:

          signature: signature,
          sdkKey: ... ,
1 Like

Hi @bgbharat787 ,

Thanks for sharing!

@bgbharat787 Please watch here all the WebSDK Integrations

  • Zoom Meeting SDK Integration with VueJS
  • Zoom Meeting SDK Integration with ReactJS
  • Zoom Meeting SDK Integration with AngularJS

Hi , i have used the zoom web sample sdk and use the correct api key and secret key . still its showing the Invalid signature with joining meeting timeout. Is there any other reason ? here is the code i have used for signature
var signature = ZoomMtg.generateSDKSignature({
meetingNumber: meetingConfig.mn,
sdkKey: CLIENT_ID,
role: meetingConfig.role,
success: function (res) {
meetingConfig.signature = res.result;
meetingConfig.sdkKey = CLIENT_ID;
var joinUrl = “zoom-sdk-web-2.11.0/CDN/meeting.html?” + testTool.serialize(meetingConfig);
// window.open(joinUrl, “”);

      document.getElementById("frame").setAttribute("src", 'http://ttpllt48-php8.local/cdriqa/'+joinUrl);

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