Ionic Plugin Support for Android SDK 5.7.1

I received the email that we should upgrade to Android SDK version 5.7.1 or greater. I am currently using the Ionic plugin which is built on Zoom SDK v4.7 for both iOS and Android according to your Ionic Prerequisites section. Will this plugin be updated to meet the new v5.7.1 requirement? If not, would the best route for me be to download the 5.7.1 SDK and replace the Android files in the plugin?

Which Mobile Meeting SDK version?
I am currently on zoom-sdk-ionic@4.6.21666.0512.
Ionic CLI: 6.16.1
Ionic Framework: @ionic/angular 5.3.4
Cordova CLI: 10.0.0
Android SDK Tools: 26.1.1

This is an urgent issue. Please let me know how to proceed. Thanks!

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