iOS Screen sharing issue with html page having embedded video - ZoomVideoSDK


  • I am trying to screen share a html page having embedded video by loading the page in WKWebview. Participants can just see the player controls but not the video/audio coming from embedded video. PFA.
  • Used Sample app provided in Zoom Video SDK to verify this.
  • I have used the startShareWithView method as iam trying to share specific view having webview as subview.
  • FYI, It works fine with ReplayKit by Broadcasting.

Please let me know if there is a way(apart from broadcasting) to share a specific view with html page having embedded video?

Which iOS Video SDK version?
ZoomVideoSDK 1.10.1


Troubleshooting Routes
Any other content on html page is getting shared but not the embedded video/audio.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPAD 5th gen
  • OS: 16.7.4

Additional context
We have this specific requirement to play videos during presentation with participants.

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