iOS SDK to handle registration required meeting

On server side I use rest API to create a meeting with option_registration:true, and I also use meeting/register to register users who can join the meeting.  But with iOS SDK, how can I allow and enforce that only those registered users can join the meeting?

Hi Wei,

if the meeting is created with option_registration:true, then only registered user can join the meeting. On the SDK side, either you pass USER_ID, USER_TOKEN to authenticate the user, or you use email/password login to authenticate. Both approaches will provide information to SDK about whether if this user is registered or not.


Hi Wei,

Thank you for answer. Since we will develop for API partner plan, so the user created by user/custcreate will not have password.  Per your comment, we should use the USER_ID, USER_TOKEN method. I found the following from ios SDK document,

Is the kMeetingParam_ParticipantID:kParticipantID the USER_ID? And there is no USER_TOKEN required. Please confirm this approach or other sample code that works.


Hi Wei,

for join a meeting, you don’t need to pass User token. Token is only needed when you want to start a meeting.


Should the ios SDK join meeting parameter kMeetingParam_ParticipantID:kParticipantID be set to the parameter registrant_id returned by rest api meeting/register?

Hi Wei,

you don’t have to do that. kParticipantID can be anything that let you distinguish different Users.


Hi Wei,

In this case I still did not get how I can control only the registered user can join the meeting. Again, by using rest api meeting/register, I have the returned parameters of(from your document),

{ “registrant_id”: “unique_id”, “id”: “123456789”, “topic”: “meeting registration”, “start_time”: “2016-02-21T04:00:00Z”, “join_url”: “” }

and how can I use those parameters to control only the registered user can join the meeting?


The question is for iOS SDK. I know for web browser there is a specified URL.

Hi Wei, 

how about enable password for the meeting, and then you can pass the join URL to registered users? Once the user has that meeting URL, he can click it and SDK will take care rest of it.


Hi Wei,

I am talking about iOS SDK integration, where the join URL doesn’t apply.  And enabling password is not an acceptable solution, since we don’t want to distribute password and ask users to enter it.  Again, the question is, when a meeting is created  with registration only and have all allowable participants registered before the meeting, how the iOS client allows and enforces only registered users can join the meeting? And since we develop with API partner plan, the iOS client can not login user with email and password, since all users are created with rest API user/custcreate without password.  Would you please show the sample code of your solution?


Hi Wei,

could you try to use start meeting function instead for user to join? Currently for join meeting APIs, we don’t have this support.
