Is it possible to get Account information using REST API?

We need to show account information for users who have authorized using OAuth in our Zoom Application.

The same as displayed on the account profile page.

Is there a way to do that?

Hey @Sitting,

You can use the following endpoint to get Account Information via our API:

Due note: “Only master accounts can create and have sub accounts. Zoom only assigns this privilege to trusted partners.”


Hey @tommy,

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately, it won’t work for us. We need to show some information about an account that a user is using just to let them know what account is in charge and let them connect another one. Just the name of the account and user’s role will probably be enough.


Hey @Sitting,

The account_id and role_name are returned from our Get User API:

We also have role API endpoints here:

And as a little trick, if you JWT Decode the users access_token, there is information like the user_id and account_id.
