Is there a way to get the link of media files sent in chat via the chat API

Currently any media file, be it an image, audio, GIF, etc are being fetched as test strings via the list user chat message API
The response for and image file sent is as below:
“date”: “2021-01-08”,
“messages”: [
“date_time”: “2021-01-08T19:02:44Z”,
“id”: “{E2035B43-E549-412E-AEE6-2CF5F8XXXXX}”,
“message”: “XXXXXXX has sent you an image”,
“sender”: “”,
“timestamp”: 1610132564900
“next_page_token”: “”,
“page_size”: 10

However I was wondering if there is a way to get the actual image or perhaps a link or something which would lead us to this image that has been sent?

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
OAuth - User level

Hey @abhishek_s.chaudhary,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Currently, there isn’t a method to fetch the file itself. I know that we are working to expand our Chat APIs in the near future but I wasn’t able to confirm if this specific feature is on the roadmap. If you would like this feature to be considered for a future release, I recommend posting in the #feature-requests category.


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