Is there any support for flutter

As you aware, there are so many developers like myself moving away from other platforms and using Flutter as their favorite tool for mobile development. I think it would be a wise business decision to add support for flutter also.


I forked flutter_zoom_plugin to fix this error:
GitHub - driftboat/flutter_zoom_plugin: Flutter plugin for zoom
And you need work on flutter master channel, they fixed ā€œplugin java class desugarā€ ( on this channel.

Hey Kevin, Iā€™m using flutter_zoom_plugin and this is the result in cli,
I/flutter ( 5933): Meeting Status Polling: MEETING_STATUS_IDLE -
I/flutter ( 5933): Meeting Status Polling: MEETING_STATUS_IDLE -

Can you please help to Join meeting using meetingId and password.

Should we now expect Zoom SDK or package for the Flutter Applications?
If yes, then when this going to be happening?
Any rough idea.

We need A LOT of a supported flutter plugin!!

Still without official flutter plugin?

Congratulations for this team:

Please, consider flutter as an official release.

Thank you.

This usually happens when the number of the meeting is wrong. Please do a debug on the number of the meeting.

I tried to use your plugin and it worked for me but when i try to start meeting i am getting error as userId,displayname,token as error even though i pass the parameters can you help me in fixing it on my site.