Is there any way to hide the info and shield icons using WebSDK?


I am using web SDK 1.7.10, I tried to hide those icons using javascript, it worked but not always, do we have any option to disable those on web SDK initialization

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Hey @sumit.cha20,

Please see my post here:


@tommy Thanks it worked fine, but can you help me how can hide the security icon also. the green icon which I had shown in my snapshot.

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Hey @sumit.cha20,

Happy to help! :slight_smile: You can use custom CSS or JS to hide the icon. Just find the ID of the element in the DOM and hide it via CSS or JS.



Hi, @sumit.cha20 you can add the below code on your meeting.html file under the head tag

        .meeting-info-container--left-side{  //Hide meeting on screen information (shield)
            display: none!important; 
        .participants-section-container__participants-footer-bottom { //Hide the "Invite button"
            display: none!important;