It is possible self video view two different different canvas Id

Hii @chunsiong.zoom, @MaxM, @vic.yang

I make participant videos in showing in list and select any participant that time this video in big screen showing it but my issue is small screen showing video but click and display big screen that time not render video all was perfectly work but video not steam. and small screen showing video but big screen not showing video.

My question is it is possible same video is two different different canvas showing video?

Hey @mukund

Thanks for your feedback.

When rendering videos of the same userId on different canvases, you may encounter issues. My suggestion is to render them on the same canvas, which can be achieved in two ways:

  1. If you are using the stream.renderVideo method, you can pass the additionalUserKey parameter. This parameter, combined with the userId, serves as a unique identifier, allowing multiple videos of the same userId to be rendered on the same canvas.

  2. If you are using the Individual HTML elements approach, you only need to call stream.attachVideo multiple times with the same userId.

Hope this can assist you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.


Hii @vic.yang,

thanks for suggest me but how to add your solution in code. please any example give use.
