Join Meeting as a Host

Is there any way or bool setting which make sure I Joined meeting as a Host ?

Hey @arora.yogesh

Thanks for using the dev forum!

You can join meetings as a host or a participant. If a meeting number and meeting password is known and you scheduled the meeting as the host, call - (MobileRTCMeetError)joinMeetingWithJoinParam:(nonnull MobileRTCMeetingJoinParam*)param; , and you will join as a host. If you join a meeting and were not already a host, the host will have to make you a host.

You can also start meetings as a host. - (MobileRTCMeetError)startMeetingWithStartParam:( **nonnull** MobileRTCMeetingStartParam*)param;

Here is some examples of different joining/starting methods:

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Hey @Michael_Condon

Thanks for replying here.

I tried the start meeting and join meeting but I was not able to join as a Host.

But when I took login with email & password after authenticate the Zoom SDK and join the meeting then I joined as a Host.

Is there any concept of generating signature and that pass the signature while joining the meeting as a host. I’m trying to ignore sign in.

Hi @arora.yogesh, thanks for the response.

Ultimately, there needs to be some sort of authentication before starting a meeting as host so that we can verify the person joining is actually the host.

A couple of alternatives to signing in with email/password are:


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Hi @jon.zoom

I have joined as a Host through web application & using same zak at my mobile app and trying to join as a Host but it is showing as a Guest.

Here is the code below:

    MobileRTCMeetingService *ms = [[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getMeetingService];
    MobileRTCMeetingStartParam * param = nil;

    MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser *user = [[[MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser alloc]init] autorelease];
    user.userType = MobileRTCUserType_ZoomUser;
    user.meetingNumber = userCredential.meetingId;
    user.userName =;
    user.userID =;
    user.isAppShare = NO;
    user.zak = userCredential.accessToken;
    param = user;
    MobileRTCMeetError ret = [ms startMeetingWithStartParam:param];

Hey @arora.yogesh,

If you are using a ZAK try and change
user.userType = MobileRTCUserType_ZoomUser;
user.userType = MobileRTCUserType_APIUser;


Hi @Michael_Condon & @jon.zoom

Thanks for giving your time.

Now, I’m able to join as a co host.

After getting the social auth token I hit the Zoom API and got the zak and using this token I’m able to connect as a co host.

Also I had to replace the MobileRTCUserType_ZoomUser with MobileRTCUserType_APIUser.

Thank You so much!!

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Awesome! Glad you got it working!

Let us know if you have any other questions :slight_smile:


hey @Michael_Condon I passed this data

let joinMeetingParameters = MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser()
joinMeetingParameters.meetingNumber = meetingNumber
// joinMeetingParameters.password = meetingPassword
joinMeetingParameters.userName = meetingusername
joinMeetingParameters.userType = MobileRTCUserType.apiuser
joinMeetingParameters.userID = mouserid
joinMeetingParameters.isAppShare = true
joinMeetingParameters.zak = myzak

still I am not able join as a host.i want to login as host help me to close this issue.

Hey @ramesh,

Can you also provide your call to startMeeting?


hey @Michael_Condon

let joinMeetingParameters = MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser()
joinMeetingParameters.meetingNumber = meetingNumber
// joinMeetingParameters.password = meetingPassword
joinMeetingParameters.userName = meetingusername
joinMeetingParameters.userType = MobileRTCUserType.apiuser
joinMeetingParameters.userID = myuserid
joinMeetingParameters.isAppShare = true
joinMeetingParameters.zak = myzak

param = joinMeetingParameters
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let startResponse = meetingService.startMeeting(with: param)//MobileRTCMeetError
print(“startResponse \n (startResponse)”)

@Michael_Condon I want to login as host with these data still asking me waiting for host to start the meeting but I am the host I can start the meeting directly.

hey Michael_Condon

let joinMeetingParameters = MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser()
joinMeetingParameters.meetingNumber = meetingNumber
// joinMeetingParameters.password = meetingPassword
joinMeetingParameters.userName = meetingusername
joinMeetingParameters.userType = MobileRTCUserType.apiuser
joinMeetingParameters.userID = myuserid
joinMeetingParameters.isAppShare = true
joinMeetingParameters.zak = myzak

param = joinMeetingParameters
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let startResponse = meetingService.startMeeting(with: param)//MobileRTCMeetError
print(“startResponse \n (startResponse)”)

can u please help me out to get solution.

Hey @ramesh,

Is the user you have a ZAK token for a sub-account on your account?


@Michael_Condon there is no token for sub-account.

Hey @ramesh,

Let me rephrase. You are getting a ZAK token for a certain user, does that user belong to your Zoom account? If not, Zoom will always ask for a password. You can however, create an OAuth application and then you can start meetings as host without password prompts.


Yes… I got the ZAK token for the sub-account.

I am getting ZAK token for both primary and sub-accounts. However I am able to host meeting only with the primary account user Id and ZAK token. I am unable to host meeting with secondary user id and ZAK token. I want the user to host meeting with userId and ZAK token from iOS SDK

Hey @nagangl,

Is the secondary user a sub-account on your Zoom account?


Yes. This is a secondary zoom account.