Joining Meeting Timeout or Browser restriction Signature is invalid

i am using server to server auth for zoom integration in laravel. meeting is created all the detail of meeting is available but when start the meeting it giving the error of invalid signature.

              var signature = ZoomMtg.generateSDKSignature({
                    meetingNumber:meetingNumber ,
                    sdkKey: sdkKey,
                    sdkSecret: api_secret,
                    success: function (res) {
                        meetingConfig.signature = res.result;
                        meetingConfig.sdkKey = sdkKey;  


                function startMeeting(signature,meetingNumber,passWord,userName,userEmail,sdkKey,zakToken,registrantToken) {
                document.getElementById('zmmtg-root').style.display = 'block'

                        leaveUrl: leaveUrl,
                        webEndpoint: meetingConfig.webEndpoint,
                        disableCORP: !window.crossOriginIsolated, // default true
                        // disablePreview: false, // default false
                        externalLinkPage: "./externalLinkPage.html",
                        success: function () {
                            console.log("signature", signature);

                            meetingNumber: meetingNumber,
                            userName: userName,
                            signature: signature,
                            sdkKey: sdkKey,
                            userEmail: userEmail,
                            passWord: passWord,
                            success: function (res) {
                                console.log("join meeting success");
                                console.log("get attendeelist");       
                            error: function (res) {
                        error: function (res) {
1 Like

@m.sharafatofficial could you share a sample of the signature?

For Meeting SDK, you will need to create a Meeting SDK app, or General App


This the example of generated signature.

server to server auth app is not SDK app?

@m.sharafatofficial regenerate your token with the client ID and client Secret from a Meeting SDK App or General App with Meeting SDK enabled

The exp should be minimally 30 mins away from IAT, and not more than 24 hours

Can we use server to server auth for generating Access Token and meeting sdk for generating signature?

@m.sharafatofficial thats the correct way to do it.

I am generating signature from sdk app but it give the same error .signature is invalid.

@m.sharafatofficial can you share another sample of your generated signature again?


@m.sharafatofficial for your appkey and sdkkey, which marketplace app is this from ?

for appkey and sdkkey from Meeting SDK App