Joining meeting timeout. signature is invalid for websdk

I have downloaded a zoommeeting WebSDK and created the zoom SDK API key and secret key and applied to the index.js file. all good but when i join the meeting using meeting id and password . its returning error [Joining Meeting Timeout | Signature is invalid]
what could be the error . please let me know

i followed this tutorial to test it .

Zoom Meeting SDK Tutorial - YouTube)

create a new simple test meeting

  • Registration NOT required
  • a simple Passcode
  • no waiting room
  • Options: Allow participants to join anytime

you can use it endless for testing

activate the debug-mode in your application

    debug: true,

open the browser console, activate settings “Show timestamps”

start your application

take screenshots of the console window with the log and error messages

post them here

@indexonindia ,

Have you verified your signature is correct? If not, you can debug the signature by visiting

signature method

I am new to this Zoom Integration to my HTML Website. Could you please give me any step by step method tutorial to verify the signature using . Thanks

@indexonindia ,

Please see the below developer support article for a step-by-step method for verifying the signature using :

Should you have any problems, please let us know!

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