"Leave Meeting" Button Not Available for Attendees Using Zoom Web SDK

Hello Zoom Support Team,

I am experiencing an issue with the Zoom Web SDK in my React application. Specifically, the “Leave Meeting” button is not visible or available for attendees during a meeting. This issue is impacting the user experience, as attendees are unable to exit the meeting easily.


  • SDK Version: @zoomus/websdk 2.18.0
  • Framework: React 16.13.0
  • Issue Description: The “Leave Meeting” button is not visible or available for attendees in the meeting interface.
  • Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Initialize the Zoom Web SDK in a React application.
    2. Join a meeting as an attendee using the provided code.
    3. Observe that the “Leave Meeting” button is not visible or accessible.
  • Expected Behavior: Attendees should see the “Leave Meeting” button and be able to leave the meeting at any time.
  • Actual Behavior: The “Leave Meeting” button is missing, preventing attendees from exiting the meeting.
  • Error Messages: No error messages are displayed in the console related to this issue.

@simudin this is a fairly older version of the SDK.

From what I’ve heard, most of these UI issues are caused by either imcompatible react version, or z-index.

Since you are using a compatible version of react, are you using z-index or overwriting any CSS?


Thanks for pointing it out, @chunsiong.zoom ! Yeah, the CSS is overridden in our code. I just need to adjust the z-index to fix it!

@simudin Just wanted to let you know that, we do not support editing z-index on Web SDK. Some possible side effects includes hidden button. unclickable buttons if you set the z-index.

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Thanks for the concern! I will recheck the functions for the adjustment.