Manual Domain Verification using DNS TXT Record


Could you please help me to complete the domain verification using DNS TXT record.?



Thank you for the request please refer to your DM for instructions and please refer here: Domain Validation Explanation for more information related to our domain validation process.

Regards, Kwaku

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Hi @kwaku.nyante ,

Could you please check now.? Have added the TXT records for all our apps.

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Hi @kwaku.nyante ,

Could you please check this with priority.? We are getting followups from the customers everyday. we request you to expedite the process.

Hi @kwaku.nyante ,

I would request to you expedite the process. We promised our customers, the app will be published in the mid of June. Please help us to keep our promise.

Hello @phonebridge-integ the records still have not been added, please confirm on your end if they were added again.

Regards, Kwaku

@kwaku.nyante can you please help us validate our domain using the DNS TXT record approach?


Thank you for reaching out in relation to Our Domain Validation process, the next steps will be sent to you via DM. Please refer to our domain validation resource: Domain Validation Explanation for any further questions you may have about the process.

Thank you.

Please create a new post when requesting domain validation do not comment on another post requesting help.

Regards, Kwaku