Manual Domain Verification with multiple domains

My organization can’t validate our domain using the HTML method.

We have 3 different domains:

  • 1 for hosting documentation (things like privacy policy, developer support, et.c)
  • 1 for receiving events from Zoom
  • 1 for wrapping URLs for our own engagement tracking

Through the HTML method, we can only verify 1 domain and it throws an error because our other URLs use a different domain.

How can we get all of our domains verified?

Please connect with support team and tell them your problem they will give you solution.

Hey there,

Dealing with domain verification can be tricky, especially when you have multiple domains like your organization does. It seems like the HTML method isn’t quite fitting your needs.

Have you considered using alternative methods like DNS verification? It might provide the flexibility you need to verify multiple domains. This way, you can validate your different domains without running into the limitations of the HTML method.

Wishing you success in getting all your domains verified hassle-free!

Best regards,


Thank you for reaching out in relation to Our Domain Validation process, the next steps will be sent to you via DM. Please refer to our domain validation resource: Domain Validation Explanation for any further questions you may have about the process.

Thank you.

Lucas, I understand you’re facing domain validation issues for your app submission. Since you have three domains, consider these steps:

DNS Verification: Use DNS records for verification, allowing multiple domains.

Subdomains: Leverage subdomains like “” to validate individually.

Support Contact: Reach out to app support for manual validation or solutions.

Consolidate Domains: Merge under one root domain for simpler validation.

Developer Input: Seek technical team advice for insights.

Alternative Methods: Check if marketplaces offer file uploads or meta tags.

Remember, each marketplace has unique rules, so review guidelines. Best of luck!

We use third parties for support and documentation, as well as hosting privacy polies.

Can you please DM details to manually verify the domain for webhooks

Thank you