Marketplace and Web SDK - what credentials are required?

We are developing a marketplace application.
I have the WEB SDK working fine with a Web Site to open a meeting in the browser.
I also have OAUTH working with the API to show me the contacts and meetings.
I see how the OAUTH works with the marketplace.
But how do I enable the WEB SDK for marketplace users ?
The WEB SDK wants a JWT token not an OAUTH token.
Also some API calls are not working with the JWT token.

Thank you.

Stamati Crook

Hey @stamati.crook,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. I think some of the confusion here comes from the fact that the WebSDK is not intended to be used with the Marketplace. Instead, you would host your own website that users can join with. It can’t be published to the marketplace in this instance because, as you mentioned, you would need to use a JWT to authenticate with the SDK.

Also some API calls are not working with the JWT token.

What calls are having issues? Please provide the endpoint, requests body, and response for the API calls you’re having issues with and I’ll assist further from there.

I hope that helps!


Getting meetings and users works fine with the API and JWT - but getting contacts with the below call gives an error that only OAUTH is supported.


Max - thanks for the reply.

We are making a website for scheduling and running video meetings with ZOOM. We could launch ZOOM in a web browser (I see theere are problems with an iframe) but we want to “host” zoom in our own web page with the SDK.

Adding new meetings and contacts with the API seems to be working OK with both JWT and OAUTH (we have a little more to go). We want to combine this with the WEB SDK so the users do not have to launch ZOOM separately. Ideally we would just use the OAUTH token with the WEB SDK and all would be fine.

But as you know we need a JWT token for the WEB SDK. Are you saying we just use the single JWT token issued against my account for all the users ? Are there limits here on simultaneous meetings ? That might work - if we can change the username at will - which I am going to try next. Otherwise is there an automated way to generate a JWT client and secret against a user with OAUTH ?

Thank you.

Hey @stamati.crook,

Thank you for providing additional information. When it comes to endpoints that use /me in the route, these will only work with OAuth because you can create requests on a user’s behalf. JWT apps, on the other hand, are account-level which means that they don’t have a concept of the /me route that is available at the user-level.


With this endpoint, try replacing the me route with the userID and let me know if that works for you.

Are you saying we just use the single JWT token issued against my account for all the users ? Are there limits here on simultaneous meetings ? That might work - if we can change the username at will - which I am going to try next.

Yes, that’s correct. You would use a single JWT token to authenticate with the Zoom Web SDK and then use parameters in your API requests to specify the userID or meetingID that you are looking to operate on with the API.

I hope that clears things up! Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi Max

I am having problems with the CLIENT SDK maybe because I do not understand the limitations of the APIKEY and SIGNATURE. Can I only run one participant in a meeting at a time with a single JWT TOKEN ?

If I am using my own JWTTOKEN - I can open our website and start the meeting using the WEB SDK fine - but can the other participants in the meeting join the same meeting using the WEB SDK but with my JWT TOKEN ? Or do they need their own JWTTOKEN ?

I notice I can put anything in the CUSERNAME but having problems trying to open up both ends of the meeting using a single JWTTOKEN.

meetingNumber: osetup.cmeeetingnumber,
userName: osetup.cusername,
signature: signature,
apiKey: osetup.capikey,
userEmail: osetup.cemail,
passWord: osetup.cpassword,
success: function (res) {…

Hey @stamati.crook ,

Happy to clarify the functionality for you! :slight_smile:

You can run as many meetings as you like with a single JWT App, so long as that each meeting has a seperate host.

Checkout my post here about this:

Please let me know if this helps.


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