Meeting created using API is invalid

Meeting created using API is invalid

When a meeting is created it returns a successful 201 status. The data object contains all the meeting details and the links. When we go to the link provided in the body, it gives invalid meeting link error.

Additionally when we try to retrieve all the meetings an empty array is retrieved.

There are no error messages.

Which App Type (JWT)?
The JWT token is used in the header. There are no authorization/authentication errors.

Which Endpoint/s?
To create meetings : /users/${userId}/meetings
To list all meetings : /users/${userId}/meetings

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Send the following data to /users/${userId}/meetings
    const data = {
      topic: `Test Meeting : ${uuid()}`,
      agenda: 'This is the test meeting',
      type: 2, // 1:instant, 2:schedule
      pre_schedule: true, // only supports 2
      start_time: date,
      duration: 50, // minutes
      timezone: 'UTC',
      password:  'pass5word0',
  1. Once successfully created do a get request to /users/${userId}/meetings

Additional context
The code is written in nodejs

Hi @twcinnovations,

Can you please ensure that you’re setting pre_schedule to false? If this is set to true, the meeting will not be actively reflected as scheduled yet.


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