Meeting does not exist in registration API only?

I’m able to retrieve data about a past meeting using both the “Get Meeting Details” (/metrics/meetings/) and the “List Meeting Participants” (/metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants) APIs, but “List Meeting Registrants” (/meetings/{meetingId}/registrants) returns {“code”:3001,“message”:“Meeting does not exist: 99190844945.”}.

{“code”:3001,“message”:“Meeting does not exist: 99190844945.”}, while other API’s return expected data.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)


Hey @Michael4824,

Thanks for reaching out about this.

In taking a look at the meeting in question, I can see that it was deleted on October 26th. If a meeting is deleted, it will not be returned by the List Registrants API.

I hope this helps to clarify, but let me know if you still have questions about this.


Hi Will!

Thanks for your reply! I just found this thread that states events expire within 30 days. I checked again this morning, I’m now consistently seeing “meeting does not exist” across the 3 previously mentioned APIs, which, knowing it expired, is the expected result. Thanks!

Glad it all adds up, @Michael4824! :slight_smile:

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