Meeting number is not found - Web SDK - Zoom Govt Account

Hi @will.zoom, @MaxM, @Tommy,

We are using Zoom Gov account to create meetings and webinar thru Web SDK. Both are getting created successfully thru the API. If I try to run the meeting thru WebSDK, it throws an error that

"Joining meeting timeout.

The meeting number is not found."

If I perform the same activity using zoom business account, it works as expected.

Is there any restriction to run the meeting thru Web SDK using zoom govt account? Hoping to get your help at the earliest since we have deliverables in the upcoming week.

Our Account Number:

Hey @swerveadmin,

At this point in time, the Web SDK does not support Zoom for Gov meetings.

We suggest using the start_url and join_url which will open the Zoom for Gov app instead and start / join the meeting / webinar respectively.


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Thanks for the update, @tommy

Just wanted to see if there is any timeline to support meetings and webinar thru web SDK using Zoom Gov Account.

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Hey @swerveadmin,

I’m glad to hear that @tommy answered your question! If you encounter any further issues or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


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